What Everyone Ought to Know about Tiny Toes Design
I would have been a veterinarian if I could have stomached the downsides of the profession, but I realized very early on in my life that my heart would’ve been broken constantly, and I would’ve been a complete mess. After all, I’m the type of woman (yes, woman, not child) who cries at Lassie, Old Yeller, and any other animal-centric movie. Seriously.
It can be embarrassing, really. When I was in my early 20s, my mother and I walked into a Warner Brothers’ store as they were starting up Babe on the in-store video screen. Never having seen the movie, I was immediately drawn in. As I watched the opening scene of the mama pig being hauled off for her inevitable demise while the ever-so wiseBabe, her little piglet, cried out “By, mom!” with a tear in his little piglet eye, I quickly became a basket case and had to be escorted out of the store. So, as you can see, veterinarian I was not meant to be.
But I do love animals. So much so, that I would own a huge plot of land and raise any and all creatures that exist on this exquisite planet. But this is clearly not a realistic dream. So, art is how I remain connected to them.
A Serendipitous Beginning:Tiny Toes Design emerged during my pregnancy. It was important to me that my child grow up with an appreciation for nature, animals and wildlife. It was also important to me that they understand that our cat, Diablo, was a huge part of the family. (After all, prior to my son’s arrival, people thought our cat was as close to a child as we would ever have.) Eager to have his nursery support this vision, I set out to create the nursery art and nursery décor that would do just that.
I’ve always wanted to go on Safari, and not having done so (yet), I chose to create four pieces, each featuring a different family of African animals - lions, elephants, zebras, and giraffes - with our cat, Diablo, cleverly tucked into each piece. After my son was born, those pieces became the focus of our daily wake-up ritual.
To this day we talk about each animal family, the noises they make, where they are from, and what makes each different from the other. Seeing the joy the art brings my son and how his face lights up during our discussions every day is immensely rewarding. His smile is worth every second spent on those pieces!
My intentions: When it comes to my art, it is my mission to design and create pieces that enchant, inspire and capture the heart of your little one, and your family for years to come. Art should be an investment – an investment that all of you can appreciate.
When it comes to this blog, I will share with you tips around designing your nursery or room for your child, stories about my artwork, my process, news on new releases, limited editions, and events, and of course, random musings that are connected to my artwork.
Your role! Yes, I would love for you to be an active participant on this blog. You are my customer, and so, your input and participation has great influence and great meaning to me. Please go down to the comments section and tell me what it is you most look for in art for your children. Is it color? Is it messaging? Is it a timeless classic feel? What motivates you to purchase nursery décor?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I look forward to sharing this incredible journey with you!
XO, Brett
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